Introduction : The most awaited technical symposium, Quest 11, organised by the department of computer science and engineering JNTU is back, this year bigger, and better. We are very happy to announce that the students and staff of Computer Science and Engineering, JNTU college of Engineering are organinising Quest’11 an annual national level technical symposium for the 8th sucessfull year on 15th March 2011
Quest 10 is successful in providing a platform for all the technical students of our country to share their innovativeideas with the rest of the student community. It is also successful in bridging the gap between the student community and the IT industry. In this regard, we like to congratulate all the faculty and staff members, head and coordinator, organizing committee and sponsors for making this event possible. We wish the National Level Technical Symposium, Quest 11 , a huge success.
We seek to amalgamate the best of Science & technology with creativity, bringing to the foray an astounding sight that promises to leave you spellbound. It’s a call for all the ardent tech enthusiasts to showcase their talents on a challenging platform. Computer Science and Engineering Department of JNTUHCE bestows upon its students with the most innovative and contemporary technical guidance that will help them remain competitive and relevant in the ever – evolving field of computer science.
Quest is one of the initiatives taken by the CSE Dept aimed at nurturing and fostering students for the real world challenges that lie ahead of them. A technical symposium gives a chance for students from the length and breadth of our country to meet and compete with each other.
Quest provides a grand podium for all young minds to mix up with their breed, share their views, thoughts and ideas; for the spectators there is plenty to learn and for the competitors’ there is much more to earn. This two-day fiesta promises to be a truly enthralling experience.
Events :
1.Riddle Me – Treasure Hunt(starts on 1st march)
2.Cerulean – Paper Presentation
3.Ostensorium – Poster Presentation
4.Ratiocinaire – Project Presentation
5.Enigma – Coding
6.Techno-Blitz – Technical Quiz
7.Battle Arena – Lan Gaming
8.Foot Loose – Fun and Dance
Fest Dates : March 15th – 16th, 2011
Contact :
Coordinator Quest2011
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
JNTUHCEH kukatpally Hyderabad 500085
Email : quest2011.jntu(AT)
Contact Numbers : 8099375010 / 9030947917 / 9032872218 / 9030626001 / 9493535898
Source :
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