Sunday, March 6, 2011


The IEEE international conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2011, will be held at IIT Madras, Chennai, India from July 14-16, 2011. It will provide a forum to bring together colleagues interested in promoting learning and teaching through the use of technology. Proposals are invited from students, teachers and researchers in academia and industry to present results of their research and development efforts in educati00on through the use of technology and discuss further directions. This is third in a series of annual events with the first two held in Bengaluru and Mumbai in the years 2009 and 2010, respectively.

Program Schedule : There are three categories of Research papers, namely, Full Papers, Short papers and Reflection papers. All submissions to the conference will be peer reviewed and decisions on acceptance, modifications/suggestions will be communicated to the principal author (or author for correspondence).

Call For Papers : The Organizers invite the submission of papers reporting original academic or industrial research in any topic relevant to the Conference, including those mentioned below. Complete papers will be required for the review process; abstracts alone will not be sufficient. All authors of accepted submissions will be required to complete the Conference’s Copyright Form. At least one of the authors will have to register before the final version of the paper is uploaded, for the paper to be included in the Proceedings.

Conference Themes :
The Conference is expected to have several sessions, jointly or in parallel, on the following themes:

Development of technologies used to support education
Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
Pedagogies for remote learning and e-learning, blended learning and learning using technology
Assessment and evaluation of above technologies, content and pedagogies
Support systems for distance education, e-learning, blended learning
Mobile learning
Cognition and learning technologies
Growth and impact of the Open Educational Resources movement
Techniques and standards for accurate identification of relevant learning resources
Content repositories for teaching and learning and different methodologies for creation of social networks for group learning
Development of software to enhance learning
Semantic web technologies in education
Adaptive, cognitive and personalized approaches for improvement of education
Smart technologies in education
Impact of social networks on learning
Virtual/online experimentation and scalable solutions

Registration :
Please register early. The Registration will be open from January 1, 2011.
Early registration deadline: May 23, 2011. For details of registration fees applicable to your click here (Registration Details). Foreign participants may kindly contact us for issue of letters for Visa purposes at (please address your queries to Ms. Usha Nagarajan, Principal Project Officer and Administrative officer, T4E 2011, Web Studio, IC & SR Building, IIT Madras, Chennai – 600036).Please fill personal particulars form and mail soft copy to for Visa purpose.

Regisration Fee in USD :

Non-Members – 170
Members* – 100
Student Non-Members – 65
Student members* – 60

Important Dates :

Submission deadline: March 13, 2011(extended)
Author notification : April 25, 2011
Final Camera-ready submission and Early Registration deadline : May 23, 2011
Conference dates: July 14-16, 2011

Department of Chemistry and
General Chair, T4E 2011
IIT Madras, Chennai 600036
Tamil Nadu, India

E-Mail : mangal(AT) / mangala_sunderk(AT)

Source :

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