Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Social exclusion is the systematic exclusion of individuals and groups from one or more dimensions of society, such as structures of power, privilege, opportunities and resources. Social exclusion is a widespread phenomenon mostly associated with poverty, deprivation, marginalization and hardship involving a group of people, often excluded. It is the result of lack of participation of an individual in the economic, civil and social processes that integrate and govern the society. It has varied connotations and gained currency across the world. In India, social exclusion might take the form of discrimination based on several dimensions, such as caste, gender, ethnicity, and religion, etc.

The individuals who are most susceptible and are in a marginalized state are the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Classes (OBCs), Women, Religious and linguistic minorities, Elderly, Poor, differently abled, and Persons living with HIV/AIDS. They are not only the most affected social categories affected by poverty but often have difficulty accessing their basic rights-social, economic and political. The problems faced by these categories are manifold and varied. The Scheduled Castes or Dalits experience caste based social exclusion in India. Most of their problems are associated with caste system which has persecuted the Indian society for several centuries. The tribal population on the other hand suffers from geographical and social exclusion, high poverty rates and lack of access to resources.

Social Inclusion is a method to combat systemic exclusion through economic planning and legal process aimed at the elimination of social and economic inequalities and poverty. The idea of inclusive growth has been in the limelight and drew the attention of the planners. This orientation is manifested in the theme of the Eleventh Five Year Plan document envisioning towards ‘faster and more inclusive growth’, which clearly reflects the need to find a sustainable balance between ‘growth’ and ‘inclusion’. The Plan defines inclusive growth to be a “growth process which yields broad-based benefits and ensures equality of opportunity for all”. Inclusive growth necessitates aligning the development needs of the society with the rights of the weaker sections which would help enhance their Human Development Index.

Aim : The aim of the two-day seminar is to discuss issues concerning the marginalized sections of the society and explore new areas where incisive research on the theme could be taken up. The seminar also aims at suggesting measures for formulating a liberal and more inclusive policy for the development and inclusive growth of the marginalized communities.

Objectives :
To develop a theoretical understanding about social exclusion and the process of inclusion
To examine the causative factors for social exclusion of the weaker sections.
To identify the initiatives to extend increased access to institutional financial services for the disadvantaged sections.
To highlight the rights and entitlements of the deprived and marginalized communities.
To deliberate on policy initiatives leading towards inclusive growth.

Sub Themes :
Social Exclusion and Forms of discrimination of underprivileged communities. Issues relating to Gender, Religious and Linguistic minorities.
Policies and legislations for empowering the weaker sections. Issues relating to Elderly, Differently abled, Persons living with HIV/AIDS. Poverty, Human Development Index and Economic Inclusion. Service delivery mechanisms-Issues relating to Health, Education and Inclusion. Affirmative Action policies and Political Leadership.

Registration Fee:
Rs. 300/- for faculty and others
Rs. 200/- for students and scholars

Travel and hospitality will be provided by the organizers. The participants whose papers are accepted for presentation will be provided second class rail fare/bus fare by the shortest route by production of tickets.

Call for Papers : Papers not exceeding 15 pages along with abstract not exceeding 300 words be sent to
aucsseip@yahoo.com. before March 10, 2011. Papers should be sent in hard copy and soft copy in A4 size, MS Word -2003 format, Times New Roman, Font size 12. Papers in hard copy be sent to:

Dr.P.Subba Rao, Deputy Director, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam -530 003. (Andhra Pradesh)

Conference Dates : 24-25, March 2011

Venue: Platinum Jubilee Guest House, Andhra University

Contact Numbers : 0891-284 4361; Mobile: 99666 43183, 93938 75111, 93947 93417

Source : http://www.andhrauniversity.info/auweb/output/files/seminar%20-%2024%20&%2025%20March.pdf

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